Thursday, April 10, 2008

Sua Sdei Chnnam Thmey

Happy Khmer New Year!! Just thought I'd share . . . I'm not sure when the official dates are, but everybody at the office has started saying it already and we are supposed to get Monday and Tuesday off, but a lot of people are taking the entire week.

I, of course, will be at the office (or else I won't be able to finish everything by the time my internship is over - no worries, I plan on traveling later!). Working over Khmer New Year is actually a blessing in disguise because traveling during this time is really really expensive and the city basically shuts down so there would be nothing to do. I will tell you however - they will rue the day that they decided I (of all people) was supposed to in charge of developing a budget and contract! Rue it. Boo to math and anything else that is beyond my technical abilities. Although, really, it's a new challenge and learning experience from which I hope to gain.

Anyway, so, may you have a wonderful new year with prosperity, joy, lots of babies, and no hair loss.


1 comment:

Smarty McFly said...

sucks to your asthmar! I posted a new blog! Also, sorry about the last comment. I did not mean to upset you. I just got all excited and did not know what to say. I just miss you is all. I will do my best to respect your wishes and not overstep your boundaries. Unless that is, I am stalking you all the way in Cambodia and then I will overstep your boundaries. Evil laugh....ha...ha....ha. A new blog from you would be lovely as well. What up on the other side of the world??? BTY: I celebrated 10 years back on April 15th!