Saturday, February 16, 2008

Small Adventures

Apologies for not writing for awhile, work is a circus right now. A circus I say! As the office is busily working on upcoming projects to be launched in March, combined with my unit's work . . . emotions are running pretty high! I was going to write a short piece on Men and Women (hilarious stuff), but am running low on time, so I thought an update might suffice for now.

About a week ago I went on a short boating cruise down the Mekong with some people from work and their friends. We took off from the "dock" in front of the Royal Palace right after sunset, and although it was dark and I couldn't see much, the wind in my hair, good food, and good company provided a much needed release from the hectic work schedule that is my life. Sitting on the upper deck, I blocked out the hip hop that was being played for a 2 year old's birthday party on the lower deck (we got to cheer her on as she was supposed to blow out the candles--freaking adorable b/c her older sister blew them out before she got a chance) and concentrated on having non-work-related conversation.

After the boat ride we walked along the riverfront, through throngs of people who were getting an early start on the weekend, and past the vendors who were selling roses and candy for Valentine's day. Shuddered whenever I passed a creepy baraang man with a young Khmer women/girl (the next day I heard that 80% of the kids who work on the riverfront have been sexually abused. . . although I'm not sure about the accuracy of that statistic, I don't doubt that it's a high percentage).

Eventually we returned to where my work friend, T., had parked his moto, and he kindly gave me a lift home. Now, it has already been established that I'm a huge dork, but as further evidence--I get a little giddy whenever I get a ride from a friend here because it makes me feel like I live here and am not just a tourist (although undoubtedly I am still an outsider and will always be so, even if I stayed for the rest of my life). All the same. Giddy. Of course, all of this giddiness totally means that I'm still a tourist.

Hanging out down by the riverside a couple nights following the boat cruise, I've decided that it might be too touristy for me. I did find a good Thai restuarant and a bar called the Cantina (many thanks to C. for introducing me to these places). Still, when I find myself surrounded by more Westerners than Khmers, I start to feel a little guilty-- as if I'm not doing enough soaking of the local culture. Combine that with recent trip to the delicious but deadly Lucky Burger (think McDonald's only with the addition of a fancy coffee stand and gelato place), I definitely find myself in need of breaking away, as much as possible, from the pervasive Western influence here.

I am hoping to take a break this weekend and travel to Battambang, a province in the Northwest, with a friend from work, but am not sure if I have the time . . . you know, laundry (which takes me forever, but it's better than being stinky and offending all my officemates!) and cleaning to be done (oh yeah, and that little thing called work). All the same, it would be nice to get away from the city and I hear Battambang is beautiful.

Additional Awesome People:
  • One of the drivers at my work. He always gives me the low-down on everything from education to medical care to corruption in Cambodia, his views on development work, and the effects of poverty on the majority of people in the country. If there is going to be a revolution, I think it should start with him. We also talk about Chinese movie stars and discuss why it is that we see so many Lexus' on the street (it's kind of disgusting).
  • A work friend, A. ,whose background is in awareness theater among many other things. SO creative and empathetic and a much needed support in this crazy mixed up world.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Hey R,
It sounds like a K.A. job. I've been reading up on Pol Pot a real vile man (like Hitlers brother) and Cambodia to get a sense of where you're at. I can't understand why it seems like the man up there has turned his back on Cambodia??? Anyway you be careful and bust the Barrang and the pusher too.
keep up the good work.
Cuz J