Friday, January 4, 2008

And away I go

Anticipation. Nervousness. Excitement. Words that do not begin to describe my state of mind as I prepare to spend my last night at home. I fly out tomorrow evening, and yet I do not believe that the enormity of the situation has fully hit. There is the comprehension that, yes, in fact, I am leaving the country, and yes, I am going to a place where I do not necessarily speak the language. But 6 months? No, my friends, that little detail has yet to fully sink in.

I know the title of this blog is a little boring, but don't you fret, I'll have a full day of travel time to think of a new one (and to listen to each of my Khmer language CDs at least 10 times a piece)--but just in case I get title-block, any suggestions? Thank you to all of my family and friends, I could never have gotten to where I am today without you all. Sappy? Why yes I am. I love you (that's right, I said it) and will miss you terribly--terribly I say! Send out some good vibes to the universe and I'll see you soon.



Smarty McFly said...

You know what Rose? I love you too. Now we are both cheese. I will miss you greatly though.

Here are my nominations for your blog name:
-sucks to your asthmar (not that good or inviting, but have to list it)
-every Rose has its thorn (I know that one was bad, WOO poison!)
-so it goes (in vonnegutesque humor, don't die though, in reference to SL5)
-a rose by any other name (unoriginal, shakespeare)
-ring around the rosie (I am dying here. Issue with that is in reference to the plague)
-rose of the mekong (running out of ideals...)

anyways, I know you will come up with something. Hopefull I got the creative juices flowing. I love you and have a fabulous and safe voyage.


p.s. I will be an avid reader of your blog. No pressure.

Unknown said...

You are too cute...i want to squeeze you right now...and as for the blog title? It isn't is the FACT! I miss you so much and hope that your flight from Los Angeles went well and that I was not awake to get your text message.
I hope you get to an internet cafe soon so I can hear your stories from the flight -

I hope you are able to get settled soon - be safe and take it all in...TAKE IT ALL IN I SAY ;)


PlumFace said...

I think "Rosie and the Traffickers" would be a GREAT name! It's kinda catchy like a band name, and it's acurate for what you'll be writing about.

Whadduya say?

P.S. i love you too